soutěže i hra pro zábavu


05/10/2013 23:01

Schedule for ICM 2014

Schedule  for ICM 2014 is published.
26/07/2013 19:25

Invitation was updated

The invitation was updated to its final state. The most important changes are: Team competition was added - competition of three-member teams. Deadline for registration to ICM was moved to 4th August 2013. Thusrday 8th August and Friday 9th August are official training days thus free of charge (there was a mistake in previous invitation) Financial prizes in a lottery will be: 1x 5000 CZK and 5x 1000 CZK LT
19/01/2013 01:42

Invitation and how to find us

Invitation is now available on the site for download and some more information about How to Get to Us has been added should you decide to participate ICM Cheb 2013. LT

Search site


TJ MG Cheb, z.s. Břehnická 19
350 02
+420 722 240 879

vždy od 1.dubna. - 30.září

Po - Pá :        14:00 - 20:00

So :                12:00 - 20:00

Ne a svátky : 13:00 - 20:00

Za nepříznivého počasí zavřeno.


Více informací o minigolfovém areálu.


Adresa areálu: Břehnická 19, Cheb -> lokalizace v